目前分類:Meow's Journey 2013-001~060 (29)

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克莉絲.阿米兒 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()







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克莉絲.阿米兒 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()







克莉絲.阿米兒 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

部落格的速度實在太慢, 花在處理部落格的時間比畫畫還久><, 所以明天開始改成每天發表於臉書, 而部落格則一星期一次, 一次放七張圖。如果想每天看阿喵去哪裡的人, 請到我的FB: Chrissie Chang (大頭照是黑白的, 有貓), 加我朋友, 或訂閱, 感謝您!! The process speed of my blog is really slow, so I dicided to post daily pictures on FB from Feb 26. And will still post on my blog weekly. Want to follow my daily post, please go to my FB:Chrissie Chang (the profile photo is black and white) Thanks!!



(中文請看下方)I wish 2013 is a traveling year. So I will draw a small picture every day as a diary. And it's the journey of my cat-Mr. Meow. The red words are the description of the drawing. If you wish Mr. Meow go somewhere or do something, please leave your message. I will draw it. You can simple check the folder-Meow's Journey 2013 on the left of blog to view the former drawings. Thanks!! Let's have fun.~chrissie

  我希望2013是個旅行年, 即使不出國, 也要用旅行的感覺來生活。所以我會每天花10~30分鐘畫一張小圖當作繪畫日記。編號2013-001,即為2013年1月1日,以此類推。紅字為圖畫的註釋。基本上是以阿喵的旅行為主, 但不知道下一頁阿喵會去哪兒,如果希望我能畫你/妳想去的地方,或是希望阿喵做什麼事,請留言給我,簡單幾個字就好。大家一起玩!!
  想看前面天數的人,請在資料夾"Meow's Journey 2013"裏找之前的日期。或是看不到分享鈕的人,請按(繼續閱讀)或文章標題,它會出現在文章的最上方,喜歡請分享,謝謝!~克莉絲.阿米兒

克莉絲.阿米兒 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()




(中文請看下方)I wish 2013 is a traveling year. So I will draw a small picture every day as a diary. And it's the journey of my cat-Mr. Meow. The red words are the description of the drawing. If you wish Mr. Meow go somewhere or do something, please leave your message. I will draw it. You can simple check the folder-Meow's Journey 2013 on the left of blog to view the former drawings. Thanks!! Let's have fun.~chrissie

  我希望2013是個旅行年, 即使不出國, 也要用旅行的感覺來生活。所以我會每天花10~30分鐘畫一張小圖當作繪畫日記。編號2013-001,即為2013年1月1日,以此類推。紅字為圖畫的註釋。基本上是以阿喵的旅行為主, 但不知道下一頁阿喵會去哪兒,如果希望我能畫你/妳想去的地方,或是希望阿喵做什麼事,請留言給我,簡單幾個字就好。大家一起玩!!   想看前面天數的人,請在資料夾"Meow's Journey 2013"裏找之前的日期。或是看不到分享鈕的人,請按(繼續閱讀)或文章標題,它會出現在文章的最上方,喜歡請分享,謝謝!~克莉絲.阿米兒

克莉絲.阿米兒 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


「%&~~~*(#jg78 (*!!!」
「 你...你...你們要做什麼?!」


克莉絲.阿米兒 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()




(中文請看下方)I wish 2013 is a traveling year. So I will draw a small picture every day as a diary. And it's the journey of my cat-Mr. Meow. The red words are the description of the drawing. If you wish Mr. Meow go somewhere or do something, please leave your message. I will draw it. You can simple check the folder-Meow's Journey 2013 on the left of blog to view the former drawings. Thanks!! Let's have fun.~chrissie

  我希望2013是個旅行年, 即使不出國, 也要用旅行的感覺來生活。所以我會每天花10~30分鐘畫一張小圖當作繪畫日記。編號2013-001,即為2013年1月1日,以此類推。紅字為圖畫的註釋。基本上是以阿喵的旅行為主, 但不知道下一頁阿喵會去哪兒,如果希望我能畫你/妳想去的地方,或是希望阿喵做什麼事,請留言給我,簡單幾個字就好。大家一起玩!!
  想看前面天數的人,請在資料夾"Meow's Journey 2013"裏找之前的日期。或是看不到分享鈕的人,請按(繼續閱讀)或文章標題,它會出現在文章的最上方,喜歡請分享,謝謝!~克莉絲.阿米兒

克莉絲.阿米兒 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


" Don't worry, kid! Just follow our destiny! ...Good...bye! "

 (中文請看下方)I wish 2013 is a traveling year. So I will draw a small picture every day as a diary. And it's the journey of my cat-Mr. Meow. The red words are the description of the drawing. If you wish Mr. Meow go somewhere or do something, please leave your message. I will draw it. You can simple check the folder-Meow's Journey 2013 on the left of blog to view the former drawings. Thanks!! Let's have fun.~chrissie

  我希望2013是個旅行年, 即使不出國, 也要用旅行的感覺來生活。所以我會每天花10~30分鐘畫一張小圖當作繪畫日記。編號2013-001,即為2013年1月1日,以此類推。紅字為圖畫的註釋。基本上是以阿喵的旅行為主, 但不知道下一頁阿喵會去哪兒,如果希望我能畫你/妳想去的地方,或是希望阿喵做什麼事,請留言給我,簡單幾個字就好。大家一起玩!!
  想看前面天數的人,請在資料夾"Meow's Journey 2013"裏找之前的日期。或是看不到分享鈕的人,請按(繼續閱讀)或文章標題,它會出現在文章的最上方,喜歡請分享,謝謝!~克莉絲.阿米兒

克莉絲.阿米兒 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


J船長 :「永別了!小...朋...友!啊~」
喵 :「啊!~」

Meow: " Farewell, k...i...d! Ahhhh! "
Captain J: "Ahhhh! "

(中文請看下方)I wish 2013 is a traveling year. So I will draw a small picture every day as a diary. And it's the journey of my cat-Mr. Meow. The red words are the description of the drawing. If you wish Mr. Meow go somewhere or do something, please leave your message. I will draw it. You can simple check the folder-Meow's Journey 2013 on the left of blog to view the former drawings. Thanks!! Let's have fun.~chrissie

克莉絲.阿米兒 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()



" Captain J! Don't jump! We are not in the sea. "
" Oops! "

(中文請看下方)I wish 2013 is a traveling year. So I will draw a small picture every day as a diary. And it's the journey of my cat-Mr. Meow. The red words are the description of the drawing. If you wish Mr. Meow go somewhere or do something, please leave your message. I will draw it. You can simple check the folder-Meow's Journey 2013 on the left of blog to view the former drawings. Thanks!! Let's have fun.~chrissie

克莉絲.阿米兒 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()



Ahhhh! Birds attack! "
" Ship abandon! "

克莉絲.阿米兒 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


J船長 :「去看看!為什麼天還是黑的?是我睡太久,還是世界末日了?等一下...那是什麼?」
Captain J: " Go and check why it's still dark? Did I sleep too long...or it's the end of the world? Wait a minute!...What is that? "

(中文請看下方)I wish 2013 is a traveling year. So I will draw a small picture every day as a diary. And it's the journey of my cat-Mr. Meow. The red words are the description of the drawing. If you wish Mr. Meow go somewhere or do something, please leave your message. I will draw it. You can simple check the folder-Drawing Diary 2013 on the left of blog to view the former drawings. Thanks!! Let's have fun.~chrissie

  我希望2013是個旅行年, 即使不出國, 也要用旅行的感覺來生活。所以我會每天花10~30分鐘畫一張小圖當作繪畫日記。編號2013-001,即為2013年1月1日,以此類推。紅字為圖畫的註釋。基本上是以阿喵的旅行為主, 但不知道下一頁阿喵會去哪兒,如果希望我能畫你/妳想去的地方,或是希望阿喵做什麼事,請留言給我,簡單幾個字就好。大家一起玩!!

  想看前面天數的人,請在資料夾Drawing Diary 2013裏找之前的日期。或是看不到分享鈕的人,請按(繼續閱讀)或文章標題,它會出現在文章的最上方,謝謝!~克莉絲.阿米兒 

克莉絲.阿米兒 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


J船長 :「我不知道啊,小朋友!我的生活哲學是-不要管未來,只管睡在當下。...哈哈」
Meow: "Where are you going tomorrow, captain J? "
Captain J: " I don't know, kid! Tell you what, my philosophy is - Forget about the future, just sleep in the present...ha..ha..."

克莉絲.阿米兒 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


J船長 :「我是啊!為什麼不要呢?人們常說人生苦短,但卻又不當回事。我們要天天慶祝生命啊!」
J船長 :「跳吧!小朋友!」 
Meow: " It looks like you're having a party, captain J? "

克莉絲.阿米兒 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


J船長 :「哇!阿傑師,你準備得好豐盛呀!」
Captain J:"Wow! You did a good job again, chef Jeff!"
Meow: "Ya!"

(中文請看下方)I wish 2013 is a traveling year. So I will draw a small picture every day as a diary. And it's the journey of my cat-Mr. Meow. The red words are the description of the drawing. If you wish Mr. Meow go somewhere or do something, please leave your message. I will draw it. You can simple check the folder-Meow's Journey  2013 on the left of blog to view the former drawings. Thanks!! Let's have fun.~chrissie

克莉絲.阿米兒 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


Captain: " I'm captain J. This is my zeppelin. What's your name and where are you from, kid?"
Meow:  I'm Meow. I'm from Taiwan. Nice to meet you."

克莉絲.阿米兒 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


啊!是一隻貓呢! Ah...a cat!


(中文請看下方)I wish 2013 is a traveling year. So I will draw a small picture every day as a diary. And it's the journey of my cat-Mr. Meow. The red words are the description of the drawing. If you wish Mr. Meow go somewhere or do something, please leave your message. I will draw it. You can simple check the folder-Meow's Journey 2013 on the left of blog to view the former drawings. Thanks!! Let's have fun.~chrissie

  我希望2013是個旅行年, 即使不出國, 也要用旅行的感覺來生活。所以我會每天花10~30分鐘畫一張小圖當作繪畫日記。編號2013-001,即為2013年1月1日,以此類推。紅字為圖畫的註釋。基本上是以阿喵的旅行為主, 但不知道下一頁阿喵會去哪兒,如果希望我能畫你/妳想去的地方,或是希望阿喵做什麼事,請留言給我,簡單幾個字就好。大家一起玩!!

  想看前面天數的人,請在資料夾Meow's Journey 2013裏找之前的日期。或是看不到分享鈕的人,請按(繼續閱讀)或文章標題,它會出現在文章的最上方,謝謝!~克莉絲.阿米兒

克莉絲.阿米兒 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


1「我來看看...一個小黑點,把它拉上來! 」
2「嗯...一個尖尖的東西! 」
Captain J is speaking......

克莉絲.阿米兒 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


"親愛的J船長,我們好像勾到什麼東西了?!" "嗯...是嗎?"

"Dear captain J, I think we hooked something down there."     "Uh...ya?"


(中文請看下方)I wish 2013 is a traveling year. So I will draw a small picture every day as a diary. And it's the journey of my cat-Mr. Meow. The red words are the description of the drawing. If you wish Mr. Meow go somewhere or do something, please leave your message. I will draw it. You can simple check the folder-Meow's Journey 2013 on the left of blog to view the former drawings. Thanks!! Let's have fun.~chrissie

  我希望2013是個旅行年, 即使不出國, 也要用旅行的感覺來生活。所以我會每天花10~30分鐘畫一張小圖當作繪畫日記。編號2013-001,即為2013年1月1日,以此類推。紅字為圖畫的註釋。基本上是以阿喵的旅行為主, 但不知道下一頁阿喵會去哪兒,如果希望我能畫你/妳想去的地方,或是希望阿喵做什麼事,請留言給我,簡單幾個字就好。大家一起玩!!

克莉絲.阿米兒 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

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