Captain: " I'm captain J. This is my zeppelin. What's your name and where are you from, kid?"
Meow: I'm Meow. I'm from Taiwan. Nice to meet you."
DJ:" Captain J, chef Jeff says, dinner is ready to be surved!"
(中文請看下方)I wish 2013 is a traveling year. So I will draw a small picture every day as a diary. And it's the journey of my cat-Mr. Meow. The red words are the description of the drawing. If you wish Mr. Meow go somewhere or do something, please leave your message. I will draw it. You can simple check the folder-Meow's Journey 2013 on the left of blog to view the former drawings. Thanks!! Let's have fun.~chrissie
我希望2013是個旅行年, 即使不出國, 也要用旅行的感覺來生活。所以我會每天花10~30分鐘畫一張小圖當作繪畫日記。編號2013-001,即為2013年1月1日,以此類推。紅字為圖畫的註釋。基本上是以阿喵的旅行為主, 但不知道下一頁阿喵會去哪兒,如果希望我能畫你/妳想去的地方,或是希望阿喵做什麼事,請留言給我,簡單幾個字就好。大家一起玩!!
想看前面天數的人,請在資料夾Meow's Journey 2013裏找之前的日期。或是看不到分享鈕的人,請按(繼續閱讀)或文章標題,它會出現在文章的最上方,謝謝!~克莉絲.阿米兒